Fixed PDF Import incorrectly identifying clips as redundant and removing them.Improved PDF Import of text lists and numbers lists.Fixed crash on shutdown while "My Account" content is still downloading.Fixed being unable to apply styles with a single click in list mode.Fixed asset dragging performance for some assets.Fixed New from Clipboard of raster data from external applications, as it was always preferring EMF/WMF over raster data (ignoring the 'Prefer metafile over raster.Fixed Copy As SVG preventing Affinity data being added to the clipboard.Fixed potential crash showing Product Key dialog.Fixed potential crash when a updating the layer editability.
Fixed Studio Preset shortcuts not being restored after a subsequent launch.Fixed crash when loading specific CR3 file.Fixed TGA import to allow loading of large files.Fixed PDF passthrough failing to work on multi-page documents.Improved performance of snapping by restricting inner bound snapping to objects with no more than two curves (i.e.Fixed mirroring objects to transform individually based on tool settings.Fixed EMFs not rendering on non-RGBA documents.Fixed Affinity registration showing in English for some supported locales.Fixed scaled text frame increasing text size when grouped.Fixed the inability to save some files originally opened as read only.Fixed performance problems when Paragraph Panel was visible.Fixed JPEG and TIFF filter descriptions (was "Affinity Files").Fixed some documents failing to load (hanging).Fixed crash attempting to print a single artboard, which isn't the first artboard in the document.Disabled hardware acceleration for AMD Radeon RX 5000 series and later cards (awaiting response to bug filed with AMD).